Tam-Tam-Gongs and Windgong

Tam-Tam-Gongs und Windgongs

Gongs are one of the oldest instruments in the world and were considered in Asia as a lucky charm. They are impressive sound instruments, whose powerful and long vibrating sounds spread best in large rooms. They are therefore often used in yoga studios or meditation centres to introduce or initiate lessons. Often they are richly decorated, e.g. with mantras or mandalas, mostly they are simply shiny gold or have a black border.


3 reasons to buy a gong

A gong is ideal for yoga and meditation, where it signals the beginning and end of meditation. Since a gong can be heard from a long distance, it can be used in large seminar houses or at events to call the participants together. As a valuable work of art from Asia it is also a beautiful decoration for Wellness & Spa. The gongs are particularly impressive when they are hung in matching stands or on the wall.

Gong meditation

A gong meditation produces a hypnotizing carpet of sound that leads into a trance-like state and makes it easy for the mind to let go. For this purpose, several gongs are often struck simultaneously. The vibrations overlap and can be physically felt, whereby the powerful sound becomes louder and louder. Gong meditation can release old patterns and blockages. You can find out more in our blog post "What is actually a gong meditation?".

Which gong to buy?

The most famous gongs in Europe are the black and gold tam-tam gong and the shiny gold wind gong. The solid tam-tam gong has a bent rim and unfolds a powerful, centering sound when struck. The lighter Wind Gong is made flat and shines like a sun with its polished, gold-coloured surface - it is therefore also called Sun Gong. It sounds rather deep and produces undulating, vibrating sounds with overtones.

Manufacturing of the gongs

The production of a gong is sweaty manual work. It is rolled and hammered by hand from a metal disc and finally tuned. The size varies from small table gongs to large gongs with a diameter of 2 m. The best known are flat, tam-tam and wind gongs. Many gongs are made in China, where these sound instruments have a long tradition. But India also produces very beautiful, often richly decorated gongs.

How to make the gong sound best

The sound and effect of the gong depends on the play of the gong giver and the size of the gong. Small gongs address the head area with their higher tone, medium gongs or medium frequencies address the chest and large gongs address the stomach with their low frequencies. Each gong sounds different depending on the point at which it is struck: if you strike the gong directly in the centre, the sound is deep and pleasant; the further you strike the edge of the gong, the higher the tone becomes.

What else you should pay attention to

For the gong to develop its full sound spectrum, it must hang correctly and freely. As a rule, a gong stand is practical for this purpose, especially since a gong can be flexibly set up anywhere. The gong is usually attached with a sisal cord, which minimizes the transmission of the gong's vibrations to the stand. By the way: A gong is completely easy to clean. It only needs to be freed from dust from time to time, which is hardly necessary with regular use.

You can find these gongs in our shop:

  • Tam Tam Gong
  • Wind Gong
  • Gong Rajasthan with lucky mandala
  • Gong India with flower of life
  • Gong Om Mane Padme Hum
  • Gong Taj Mahal with love yantra
  • Gong Tibet with Kalachakra
  • Table gong
  • Gong sound games of Woodstock
  • Planet sound gongs
  • Chakra gongs
  • Gong stands and mallets