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Replica of the Madonna Sculpture from the Church of Our Lady in Bruges
The Bruges Madonna is 1.26 meters high with base and made of polished marble. She is a full sculpture, designed on front view for adoration. The representation shows Mary with the standing boy Jesus. Both have downcast eyelids, which Leonardo da Vinci introduced in his depictions of Mary. This introversion is an expression of their awareness of future events. - Wikipedia
Michelangelo's depiction differs significantly from earlier Marian figures, which tended to show a pious virgin smiling and looking down at the child in her arms. Instead, the infant Jesus stands upright, almost unsupported, merely held loosely by Mary's left hand. It seems as if Jesus is just taking a step away from his mother into the world.
While Mary does not hold her son or even look after him. Instead, she looks down as if she already senses her son's destiny.
The statue offered here is a replica, 24 cm high, diameter 12 cm
Material: The statue is cast in cast stone (polyresin) and thus appears very detailed.
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Für die Herstellung von Kunstrepliken werden Meisterwerke aus den besten Museen der Welt als Vorbilder genommen - der Louvre, das British Museum, das Athener Nationalmuseum, das Ägyptische Museum in Kairo, das New Yorker Metropolitan Museum of Art und viele weitere.
Um die Statuen möglichst detailgetreu herzustellen, werden spezielle Materialien und Techniken verwendet. Das Material ist ein Kunststein (Polyresin), der in Gewicht und Anmutung mit echtem Stein vergleichbar. Es ist ein Gr